Jan 26, 2018
Brian’s Story: seeking peace in a losing battle
A woman with an open, engaging smile and a splendid brown hat comes toward me, holding out her hand in greeting. I’m meeting Lisa for the...

Jan 11, 2018
Light will appear . . . and then Grace smiles
My heart is doing a little happy dance right now because I can finally delight in the beauty of light gleaming above the vast expanse of...

Jan 1, 2018
Missing pieces of a heart
It’s a beautiful summer Sunday. Green lawn, lacy green leaves, and a cozy front porch, fronted by white, picket fencing and decorated...

Dec 15, 2017
Merry . . . whatever fills you with love!
I wish you the peace, happiness and joy-filled spirit of . . . Let’s pretend a few days in the future you’re waking to a dazzling blue...

Nov 30, 2017
A Matter of Perspective
This newest book I’m writing is doing a great job of kicking my butt. And because it asks me to dig deeply, I’m still marveling at how...

Nov 11, 2017
Grace is named David
As I sit down to write it has only been twenty-four hours since it happened. My daughter was hit by a drunk driver. And I was...

Oct 27, 2017
The Power of Tiny Miracles
Lauren Grace is the beloved child of Scott and Lindsay. A tiny miracle, lost too soon, Lauren’s spirit continues to enrich the hearts and...