Dec 29, 2022
The Time In-Between
T. S. Eliot’s words and I recently found each other again. “I said to my soul, be still, and wait. . .. So the darkness shall be the...

Oct 10, 2022
Grace for the Dark
Lately, I’ve been honored to listen quietly to four different women whose lifestyles include separate, but extremely difficult and...

Sep 14, 2022
Grace is an Exception
I rolled down my window to hand my membership card to a masked woman in a park ranger uniform. She reached for my card and answered my...

Aug 5, 2022
The Grace Standing By
Children die; friends and family hear life-threatening diagnoses, we find ourselves in challenging physical or emotional situations, on...

May 19, 2022
Grace Changes Everything
My Friends, Thanks again for sharing your thoughts on the new cover ideas for my books. You helped. Both books are now re-dressed and...

May 4, 2022
Why Now?
“Why now?” I’ve been asked. Why re-release books that are already out there? I’ve asked myself that same question (a lot), and the same...

Apr 21, 2022
A Little Help From My Friends
Hello my friends, I’ve been faced with a facelift decision . . . about my two books. They’re being updated and reformatted for a new...