Apr 8, 2022
Choices: One Reaction at a Time
A reporter recently declared: “We should buckle up because it looks like we’re in for a rough patch.” Seriously? Do we need reminding...

Mar 13, 2022
Grocery Store Grace
I start my days to the sounds of NPR; it’s my morning alarm. Some mornings as I listen to the latest turmoil, I wonder for the umpteenth...

Feb 25, 2022
Grace Living Between the Lines
February unsettles me. It’s a month that can bring me tears and smiles . . . sometimes at the same time. Its memories highlight for me...

Feb 10, 2022
Grace in the Pause
The uncomfortable phone call I’d been thinking about for months was today. It’s been on my mind—an annoying fly incessantly circling my...

Jan 21, 2022
Encountering Grace
“I do not at all understand the mystery of grace – only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.” Anne...

Dec 31, 2021
Miracle Thinking Take2
It’s just days after Christmas and tis still the season, my friends, when we’re told miracles circle ‘round us. What would happen if we...

Dec 13, 2021
Miracle Thinking
I was doing a little research about wisdom and imagination when I ran headlong into a quote by Einstein. “There are two ways to live; you...