Nov 18, 2021
The Stories of Our Lives
“Sometimes reality is too complex. Stories give it form.” Jean Luc Godard I’m taking a new look at my stories . . . those narratives I...

Oct 29, 2021
Live - the Certainty of Uncertainty
I appreciate the wisdom of accepting that from ashes unexpectedly beautiful things can emerge . . . that there is always more to...

Sep 22, 2021
Lost and Found
Grateful to have once again found my lost voice, I realize that it was stilled by grief . . . yet again! I honestly do get that life is...

Aug 3, 2021
My Newest Now
I sat in my usual spot and sense my son is close enough to touch my right shoulder. My desk chair sits far enough away from my desk and...

Jul 29, 2021
Love in Every Moment
On this bright, warm, sunny morning, take some time to stop, breathe deeply and send unconditional love . . . to yourself, to the...

May 9, 2021
Say Their Names
This one is for anyone whose beloved has died: for parents who have lost children . . . for brothers and sisters who have lost parents ....

Apr 26, 2021
Wasting Time
My dear son, It’s your birthday week. Another year without you on the planet has completed its cycle. And, as it most always does during...