Apr 6, 2021
Grace Is Here
I signed into a monthly Zoom call that has become routine over this last year. There they were. . . women I have known well over a...

Apr 6, 2021
Dancing in the Rain
Wherever your mind goes, your energy flows. Anyone else spending time thinking of some personal storms brewing around you? I’m back in...

Jan 20, 2021
Let Your Soul Speak
“When our grieving, demanding intellect surrenders and our hearts soften and open, the soul’s deep and gracious calls can be heard coming...

Dec 31, 2020
The In-Between Times
Sue Monk Kidd jumped out at me this afternoon. I was sitting quietly, listening for . . . well, I guess for a kick start to my purpose,...

Dec 20, 2020
Being Light
The dark winter, our months-long tunnel, stretches out, still dark, still full of potholes and closed-off places, but I sense a...

Dec 7, 2020
The Tough work of Gentle
I’m still waking up in an uncertain, fast-spinning world. A few days ago, the planet’s latest spin landed squarely on my birth date. And...

Oct 26, 2020
Love, baby, Love. That’s the Secret . . .
I’m tired of my own voice. It’s feedback sounds whinny to me because, I guess, that’s how I feel – tired of all the turmoil and distress...