Oct 5, 2020
Forgetting the Cupcakes
A few weeks ago I was waiting for a phone call from one my publisher’s representatives. A look at my phone confirmed he was already 30...

Sep 12, 2020
Matt's Gift
Today is the anniversary of my son’s death. Over the years, I’ve created a special space for dealing with my grief during this...

Sep 2, 2020
Some Thoughts on Big Magic
Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic”, a celebration of creativity and the interplay of inspirational ideas, has become one of my favorite...

Aug 21, 2020
Surrender on Shifting Sand
Whenever I wake with that very specific ache in my neck, I’ve figured out that I’m trying to understand and balance something bothersome...

Jul 30, 2020
Encountering Grace - What Can I Do?
We encounter Grace when we take the time to witness. Whenever the qualities of unconditional love, mercy, full forgiveness, hope, loving...

Jun 19, 2020
For Simon
Dear Simon, Thanks to today’s chaos, I found you. Though we live on different continents, I’m imagining you’ve also been wandering around...

Apr 30, 2020
Embracing the Cracks
Times are challenging, my friends. We’re trying our best to endure, to rise above and move beyond. And the normal? Well, it just isn’t...