Apr 18, 2020
Horizon: Where the Earth Meets the Sky
Horizon: Where the Earth meets the Sky “I used to think the wilderness would never end. I called my mom and asked – Does time really heal...

Mar 27, 2020
Finding Grace on Shifting Sand
We’re inhabiting a time when our equilibrium, life as we understand it, has moved onto shifting sand. In fact, with the proportion of...

Mar 6, 2020
Encountering Change
I just looked at her while she shared her best hopes. I encountered a grace moment not long ago. A former student and I found each other...

Feb 20, 2020
The Image in Your Mirror
I am ridiculously in love with poetry; I even write it when I meet a metaphor that won’t let me go . . . and I’ve had enough wine. I was...

Jan 10, 2020
The Tunes of Hope
Emily Dickinson wrote: Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without the words And never stops at...

Dec 20, 2019
A Love Note for All Seasons
The tree pictured first showed up for me as an anonymous image meant to represent this holiday season. For years I’ve wanted to replace,...

Dec 6, 2019
The beautiful "I AM"
. . . and there I was, doing it again and muttering to myself, “Well, that was a stupid thing to do. I can’t believe I did it again. I...