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Just say YES!

Today is my son's birth date, so I drove into the mountains to spend time with him. I don't know exactly what it is that draws me to higher ground for our best visits. Maybe I feel closer to the spaces where I think he must be now; maybe it's because the energy of his scattered ashes seems to hover in this area; maybe it's just that I need to surround myself with the same freedom and beauty of nature that he loved. No matter the reason, things are just cleaner and clearer for me up here.

And, as he always does, Matt gave me some advice about an idea I've been chewing on - continuing to grow into my next, best self. He told me to pass it on - a kind of birthday gift from him to us.

*Your best self only happens when you open to growth. Growth only happens when you courageously open your heart to change. Change only happens when you're willing to welcome and absorb new learning. Learning only happens when you unlock your mind and heart to the different, the possible, and even the uncomfortable.

And then, it shows itself – grace leaning forward, offering you a glimpse of your next, best self.

Just say YES! Since today is the only day you really have, throw yourself into it with joyful abandon.

With love, Matt and his mom

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