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The beautiful "I AM"

. . . and there I was, doing it again and muttering to myself, “Well, that was a stupid thing to do. I can’t believe I did it again. I am an idiot!”

It took a while before I began to finally realize I was once more inadvertently creating the beginnings of an unintentional mantra – a repetition of what I like least about myself.

I’ve come to believe that “I am” might just be the most important phrase we ever use, because the thoughts we place after those words have the power to shape our personal reality.

Unintended, negative, mantra-like statements are fraught with unhealthy consequences.

“I am an idiot;” “I’m too set in my ways to change;” “I am never going to be accepted;”

“I’m never going to be a success;” “I’m worthless when it comes to that.”

If I allow it, such harsh, personal statements have the capacity to create a picture of what I believe about myself. If I repeat them often enough, I set the stage to think, feel and behave as if they are absolutely true. They become who I AM: how I operate in the world, how I expect to be treated by others, and what I eventually come to believe as my only path in life.

Actually, none of these statements can ever be considered an intentional mantra since, by definition, mantras are words carefully chosen for their ability to bring us into a higher, more loving place. A mantra, when thoughtfully created, sets positive, personal intentions for its creator. Repeating words, phrases or statements with the deliberate purpose of calling into life a loving idea, compassionate ideal or best hope defines one of a mantra’s most important uses.

Every time I turn my focused energy into an affirming, compassionate direction, I impact the ways I think, feel, and eventually, behave toward not only myself but everyone with whom I interact.

”I am hopeful;” “I am grateful for my ability to be kind;” “I am in the best place I can be;”

“I am at peace;” “I am able to succeed;” “I am loved;” “I am enough.”

‘Tis the season for loving self-care, so I’m writing my own “I am” intentional mantra to use for the next two weeks. You’re welcome to use it too, if it speaks to your heart. Repeat it at least 20 times a day to continue hearing your best hopes echo in your mind and your heart.

I am living in an abundance of love, hope and acceptance.

Or, try writing your own. Believe in whatever words you choose; make them fit the best YOU you want to be . . . the best outcome for a life still unfolding . . . the best reality you long to manifest.

If you try one, share it with me and let me know how it works for you. Just respond to the blog. I’ll get back to you.

May the light and love of grace remind you of your most beautiful “I am”


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