The Tunes of Hope

Emily Dickinson wrote:
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.
One of my happiest truths about moving into anything new is that I’ll have the chance to walk into empty spaces and make new choices. Such chances absolutely fill me with hopeful delight. Sure, I’ll be wandering into the unfamiliar, carrying all kinds of baggage . . . but the good news is I’ll be moving into uncluttered spaces. I can choose what to leave behind because it just won’t fit, and how to reconfigure all the stuff I decide to keep. It puts me in mind of infinite possibilities and Lao Tzu’s words: “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”
A whole new year ahead – what hopeful anticipation! When I found Dickinson’s poem, where she shares her vision of the feathered lightness of hope resting lovingly in our souls, humming, without end, its inspirational tunes, I knew it was how I wanted to begin my new year with you.
Some hopes we discover when they seemingly float to us, unbidden . . . maybe as our most cherished thoughts held in our dreams; some we create purposely from our needs . . . as an intention, a commitment, a vision for real life changes. Hope's song speaks to each of those, moving us toward and into our own extraordinary.
The poet’s pledge that hope has the power to always stay with me, a song in my soul, comforts me. I’m encouraged. She is so sure . . . who am I not to take up that confidence and walk forward into this newest year with only my most essential baggage, and a belief that hope’s tune can sweep me into unfamiliar spaces with trust and fearlessness?
Have faith, my friends. Give yourself the grace of belief. Hope really can perch lovingly and comfortably in your soul, singing powerful, uplifting messages without end. Listen for, welcome and nourish each one. Let them become your realities for 2020.
In hope,
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