The Grace in Saying Their Names Aloud

This one is for anyone whose beloved has died: for parents who have lost children . . . for brothers and sisters who have lost each other and/or their parents . . . for all immediate and extended family . . . for friends, close or far away, who remember those who made a beautiful difference in their lives. This one is for each of you who has more to say.
I can attest to the freedom a hurting heart feels when it opens to hearing, out loud, the name of one lost. That joy compounds when others join in the speaking. It’s like a celebration, a proclamation of continuing, loving connection. It honors and strengthens the ethereal ties that can forever bind us beyond death.
It took me almost 8 lonely years to proclaim my own son’s name aloud to others outside a small circle of family and friends. I had taught myself well how to quietly wallow in the debris of grief, leaving behind my ability to call for help to celebrate his life.
But on one, beautiful April afternoon I sensed it . . . the timing and company were just right to let my pain go, to say Matthew’s name out loud, and to watch others smile because I was finally sharing a piece of my hidden heart. It was a time of vulnerability and of grace. We raised our glasses and toasted the birth and life of my boy . . . and finally this mother’s heart began unfolding from within itself.
Who do you want to remember and honor today? Whose name do you want to say and hear aloud? Who is no longer here, but endures, alive, in your heart? Whose life do you want others to celebrate with you? Who, every time he or she comes to mind, reminds you of love . . . of joy . . . of kindness . . . of grace?
Speak their names aloud. Say them with others who have known them; say them in conversation with others who’ve never known them. Say them with loving smiles, sometimes with heartfelt tears, always with undying hope. Speak their names out loud because they forever live within you.
My list has grown since earlier Septembers. Smiling . . .and with tears, I say these names aloud as I write:
ALICE: may you rest in deep peace with the family you love
SALLY: may your smile light all of heaven around you
LEONARD: may you enjoy the music of love and kindness with your heavenly family
BILL: my dear father, may your laughing spirit bring delight in heaven as it did to me
DOROTHY: my dear mother, may your compassionate spirit bring you angel’s wings
MATT: son, thank you for staying with me; I feel your courage and smiling presence everyday
With abiding love,
your daughter, mom, cousin and friend,
Love this! I do not think most people understand how healing it is for us to be able to talk about lost loved ones, especially the children we have lost, to be able to remember that they were here, and that they are not forgotten!!
Sweet Jane, as always your words are powerful and timely. Lost my big brother last week. His name is Mark and I will say it with pride. Love you my friend. - Jill
Fall is a reflective time of year. Thanks for sharing.
Beautifully said and written and so important thank you for sharing knowing no time limit on when and how it is a peace and comfort and emotional all together it is with love and honor and truly missing and forever holding in heart and saying and sharing their name with love and grace thank you Jane God Bless